Seminar Paper #1: Service

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the term “volunteering” is defined a person who voluntarily undertakes or expresses a willingness to undertake a service: such as one who renders a service or takes part in a transaction while having no legal concern or interest. The term “community service” is defined as work that is done without pay to help people in a community. Finally, the term “service-learning’ is defined as an educational approach that combines learning objectives with community service in order to provide a pragmatic, progressive learning experience while meeting societal needs.
However, to me, the term “volunteering” is a person that takes their own personal time out of their busy schedule to help a person or organization in a time of need or the wiliness of the heart. There have been numerous times when I have volunteered for something. I volunteered my time at a career building nonprofit organization called “City-Link” back home in Cincinnati, Ohio. There I would help write resumes for less fortunate people to help them obtain jobs or careers. This would allow them to earn money and get out of the homeless shelters. Also I volunteered to instruct Bible School for a week at my Parish. While there I was in-charge of grades kindergarten through second grade and their lessons.
Also the term “community service” to me, is an individual or a group of individuals volunteering their own personal time to help a group of people or an individual of a community. I have had experience in community service, while I was in Boy Scouts of America. We volunteered on Sunday mornings to rake and clear leaves off the ground at our community retirement center and then spend time talking to the residents. We see a lot of community service actions during the recent hurricanes and flooding. People are banding together to help those hurt by the disasters
The term “service-learning” to me, is what you learn and take away after performing a service. It is your personal thoughts and feelings after service. I have not had much personal experience with “service-learning” but after completion of my service site at the Waynesburg unity trail and this class, I hope to have a better understanding of the meaning of “service-learning”.
My vocation or future career in criminal justice will impact me in the field of service greatly because the basis of police work is all community service. Responding to calls and situations lays the groundwork for “community service” as police officers provide a service to the community as protecting the public streets from crime and keeping the people of the community safe.